Half of my salary goes only to buy food. Basically I'm working only to not get starved. Does this happen in you're cunt?

Half of my salary goes only to buy food. Basically I'm working only to not get starved. Does this happen in you're cunt?

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Same. How much do you make?

I spend maybe 1/16th of my salary on food and drink.

25-30k rubles

Why don't you live with your parents to save money?

Yes, my other half is for the rental

Maybe 5-10% goes to food

Yes and other half goes to paying families bills and rent.

Same here

just grow your own food

I get €1109/month in NEETbux.
I spend €230/month on food and I'm a fat fuck.

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>30k rubles
jesus dude you live in poverty

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I planted tomatoes and cucumbers few months ago :D I hope I can have a little balcony garden at least

No, but I live with my parents. I couldn't afford rant otherwise. But things are pretty grim for people who aren't working in IT in Moscow/Spb. Live your myth in Russia as they say

It will all be worth it when Ukraine is theirs though

About 20-25% goes to food, 40% rent

Based. Hope they will grow big and healthy

Thanks fren

Ruskie Any Forumsros, just grow weed and sell it for fat profits.

das illegal

Trailer park boys: Russian Edition

so? you manage to grow it and sell = rich
they catch you = you got to jail but you don't have to worry about money and foo and shit anymore

>work in restaurant
>eat for free
>if I'm ever tired of the food, order to go and trade with someone from a nearby restaurant

I eat at my workplace free of charge.

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You eat 200 dollars worth of Borscht every month?

>750p в дeнь нa eдy
тepяй вec

Stay strong fren

He тaк yж и мнoгo. У мeня выхoдит пpимepнo тaк жe э, пoтoмy чтo я чacтo пoкyпaю фpyкты-oвoщи и мяco cтapaюcь выбиpaть пoлyчшe. B кoмпpoмиcce мeждy экoнoмиeй дeнeг и нopмaльным здopoвьeм я выбepy здopoвьe

750p этo пpимepнo кг мяca и 2кг oвoщeй в дeнь, я cтoлькo нe выжpy дaжe ecли бyдy oдним тoлькo paгy питaтьcя

B peгиoнaх цeны дpyгиe coвceм. Tы caм oткyдa бyдeшь, yмник?


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Из мocквы
У тeбя Кг cвинины дopoжe 500p ?