What crimes in your country would people support the death penalty for...

what crimes in your country would people support the death penalty for? Do you think the types of crimes punishable by death should be expanded or shortened?

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Being non-white.


Every American veteran needs to be sentenced to death. Also, Finland is against the death penalty.

instead of expanding the crimes they need to shorten the amount of time people wait on death row first. it should not cost so much fucking money and time to execute someone.

Anticommunism and bourgeois class hostility should incur the death penalty.

Tricking your husband into believing your children are his.

If you're arrested 3 times doing violent crimes. In my opinion it is reasonable enough.

Crime: Being a pole
Method: Gassing

literally none

>In Furman vs Georgia (1972) the Supreme Court ordered capital punishment suspended until states could rewrite their sentencing guidelines. Although the Court could not conclusively prove it, they suspected that Southern states in particular were deliberately targeting blacks with capital punishment in violation of the 14th Amendment (cf. cases such as the Martinsville Seven, which was dubbed "a legal lynching"). Part of their requirements included the deletion of capital punishment for any offense other than first degree murder. This requirement having been largely met, the Court re-allowed it in 1976 and the first post-Furman execution in the US was that of serial killer Gary Gilmore, executed by the state of Utah via firing squad on January 16, 1977.[43]

pedophilia and anything related to children in general, every time some freak decides to kidnap, rape or kill children russian society is screaming to remove temporary ban on death penalty and execute him

I'm not morally opposed to it but the death penalty simply isn't economical, the appeals take at least a decade and cost lots of money for the system. I think we should adopt a policy of sentencing all remotely 'normal' murderers to prison and only bothering with people like mass murderers or serial killers, which we could focus on more and thus get them executed sooner.

>While governor of Texas in 1995 to 2000, George W. Bush approved 130 executions. During a visit to Europe in summer 2001, the president was met in Stockholm with large crowds of anti-death penalty demonstrators.[8]

being a pedo or murderer for sure

>I'm not morally opposed to it but the death penalty simply isn't economical
>75 cent .38 round or a $20 length of rope versus a life sentence where you spend tens of thousands to house someone in an air conditioned cell with HBO for decades
You tell me what's cheaper.

People who disagree with me should get the death penalty

I'm talking about what would be ideal in my fantasy where I'm the absolute monarch of America, I'm talking about what is a good approach for the reality we live in. The long process of appeals isn't something that can just be voted out, it's hard-coded through many court decisions.

this but instead of with you, with me

*I'm NOT talking about


Back in the 50s they executed people in 2 years tops before leftist insanity and sleazebag lawyers seeking to get an additional payday were able to drag out the appeals process for decades.

Mass murder or recidivism of murder
Drug trafficking

over here you would instead get people asking for capital penalty for people NOT convicted of any crime, if you don't do crime then you are not colombian.

I believe Wesley Allan Dodd was the fastest post-Furman execution ever as he resisted all pleas by his lawyer to get one more payday by dragging out the appeals process.

Yeah, before court cases changed the rules.

I don't believe in the death penalty

funniest man in colombia

They should declare child rapists and the like free, they're outside the law
They should also confiscate their belongings, passport and announce who they are and what they did publically