Why do Europeans hate their diaspora in the New World so much?

why do Europeans hate their diaspora in the New World so much?

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They act like americans

because you're not diaspora. Europeans come here to be American, not to drag their sorry old world culture behind them.

You literally came back across the Atlantic to kill your ancestors not once but twice by the millions.
Fuck you. Die mutt.

i only hate the criollos

nah. you don't say that shit here.
if we can't say it back, you can't say it.
go away.

lmao, everything in america is from old world, no matter where you go people brought their culture with them from different places around europe.

lol no

Europe has been in decline for ages now, they are just mad people left the boat before water started coming through the holes

We only hate our diaspora in the old world, especially the ones that emigrated to francophone countries.
No one cares about portuguese-americans and portuguese-canadians tbqh

much love to the cajuns

Not true. And I have a good concept of white americans. I have been there. If you are white just buy a more European clothes code and no one will notice. Just marry with an Euro woman and you will fit and nobody will say a thing. Your offspring would be totally European.

And most people really think like me. It is just an internet thing. But if y are the stefeotypical obnoxious american (muh GBP, muh Army, etc), then I dont like them either

Something about American social conditions turns both Europeans and Africans obnoxious

so which is it

The diaspora in America is tiny and not worth mentioning

The ones who go to Australia are much more annoying. Invariably come back here and never shut up about the weather

i just hate americans

What ancestry do you have?

Hate and contempt aren't really the same thing. I think they just find their larping to be silly. From what I've heard of Irish-Americans visiting Ireland people there are generally welcoming and interested.

you’d be speaking german rn if it wasnt for eisenhower

umm sweetie, much of the immigrants from northern europe came here to escape catholicuck persecution. that counts as diaspora.

Ok i guess 7 eleven f14s and burgertown is old world then

I don’t think we are diaspora because we started our own thing. Australians aren’t English Diaspora they are Australians.

Nope, you're still English diaspora. There is no ethnic difference between an Australian and an Englishman and an (Anglo)American, you're all English ethnically.

German, funny you should be the one to ask

No shit we are ethnically English but we aren’t english