Why do people hate north African so much

Why do people hate north African so much
They are based I would like to get to know them

Attached: this scares the french man.jpg (2048x2048, 562.86K)

Cause they live off gibs are violent theyre basically brown black people

Bit racist innit

This 80s aesthetic looks so kino, i much prefer it to the 90s look so many of my fellow zoomers are going for nowadays

Theres no racism only black people

How is that 80s

The loose cuts, the colors etc
It’s very much 80s-esque

Loose cuts?
Girl on the left got the 80s look for sure lol

because they are jealous of us

Middle too with that jacket, right guy too with the oversized tee + straight/relaxed fit pants

Tbqf modern fashion is just older fashion trends, bit with new clothes lol
But I see what you mean

all my friends were nafris in the west, they are chill and makes whites seethe

Wtf they doing in somalia

The men are rapists while the women are repressed and unfriendly.
Been to Marrakesh once, wouldn’t go back. The air quality is horrendous

Somalians arent even real black pipo theyre just darkskinned nafris

i said in the West brother, nafris would be treated very badly here because we are racist chuds

Why does this board worship them?

I thought you meant west of somalia lol
This board insults them

Attached: 1655272390837.jpg (534x399, 50.03K)

Algeria user
You look like THAT?

The older nafris are cool i guess, not very friendly but respectful
Young nafri men are disgusting, they never seem to bathe and smell like shit, they are also very cocky
Nafri women are mostly ugly
In general i haven't had many problems with em, they are like another flavour of gypsy

>Nafri women are mostly ugly
Cope, they unironically look better than yours

No that's a Moroccan phenotype, Algerians are white (they have french genes)

Are you the based brunette appreciator

Found the salty nafri
Some from northern morocco look like spaniards
All the rest look inbred and ugly

go back

I’m the based nafri appreciator, but i appreciate brunettes too i guess

Left doesn't even look North Africa, she just looks like a regular Latina.

no pic rel looks like me
no we aren't white

Attached: 2022-06-15_09-55-14.png (594x1079, 771.37K)

You get alot of them in your country yeah?

Kek Based

not a fan. north african men dont think women should have rights and equality.

Wtf i love north african men now