Try snus

>try snus
>It's shit
Just smoke lads

Attached: Portioned_snus.jpg (2496x2421, 2.35M)

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I do both.

You get an ugly upper lip too.

I do neither

is snus like chewing tobacco/dip?


or just don't use nicotine. The tobacco industry is literally and figuratively the most cancerous industry to exist. Their lobby is so goddamn sneaky and subversive

My grandfather would chew tobacco
he had a spit bucket


Attached: i - 2022-06-13T041507.331.jpg (653x900, 142.19K)

When the imposter is SNUS amonge

>le science said so therefore tobacco plant is le bad for you
Why are soys against cigs and alcohol?

Its just a paper bag with tobacco or something with nicotine that you can put behind your lips or cheeks so nicotine will be absorbed

Subversion in progress

my ancestors would also do snuff


so it's like dip in a bag you don't have to spit out. interesting. is its usage common in your guys countries?

They are brainwashed by anti-smoking propaganda and SCIENCE, because Dr. Goldmanstein of the independent expert laboratory ShlomoBioResearch (funded by Johnson & Johnson) said that smoking is le bad!!!

>so it's like dip in a bag
No, it's a different kind of tobacco. Not the same experience at all. Also doesn't cause cancer.

Edward Bernays was the guy who got your grandmother smoking cigarettes

Maybe, maybe not. Think of the car industry with their Diesel engines.


I wouldn't say it's as popular as it was a few years ago. I suppose it's as popular as cigarillos, pipes and all that, I mean snus has its own niche of enthusiasts but it hardly has wide popularity.
The tobacco snus has been forbidden here (some schoolboys have been poisoned by it, it's a typical situation), therefore now we have only powder snus on sale. There's a bag with nicotine-soaked powder, but it's essentially the same thing.
My grandmother never smoked cigarettes in her life. And I don't think this Edward B. could have had any effect on my grandmother, who lived most of her life in the USSR.