The majority of people alive have never seen snow

>the majority of people alive have never seen snow

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looks boring af tbqfh

i want to see snow so fucking badly i dream about it all the time

I would love snow if ice didn't exist. Hate walking on slippery icy ground so fucking much. Our gov does a shit job at fixing the problem.

Only Reddit pretends to like snow and cold weather. They say it's "comfy" while posting from inside a well heated and insulated house, most often in a country that barely gets either as well.

cold weather and snow is soul
we only have cringe weather in australia, we suffer

Faggot, snow and cold weather is awful. It just makes things more difficult.

wish i never seen sn*w either

difficulty reduces suffering

This, imagine being in a cozy cottage, sitting by a fireside looking out the window as snow falls, with a book that I forget to read because I was too busy admiring the snowfall VGHHHHH

You've never cycled to work at 6 in the morning when it's -30 and the roads haven't been cleared of snow.

I hope you are not seriously considering Africans and Asians as "people" in this scenario

>-30 degrees
And I’m complaining about -3 degrees…

Snow is comfy
Source: I live in MinneSNOWda har har

you don't suffer

One day I'll live my dream, one day...

Good, I wish even more people hadn't seen it
Move back to africa please

Superman vs. Driverman

who wins?

Attached: Ryan Gosling in Drive_wide-76786f8494fcb99a1cbc7251550926d68f0add7a-s1100-c50.jpg (667x375, 21.77K)

What type of a retard do you have to be to do something this stupid, you some immigrant scum?

The cold is a respite from the deadening heat.
The rain is a respite from the deadening dryness.
normal here every year. even all the 12yo+ that bike to middle school do it

(except the -30 part ofcourse but you exaggerate)

It's what you do when your car won't start because it's too cold, retard.

I do not exaggerate. This is what you don't understand. It is real.

you just hate everything russian

I saw, it fucking sucks.

snow just melted a couple of weeks ago and now everything is green

They can have my share of snow.
I fucking hate it.