Why are Latinxs like that bros?

Why are Latinxs like that bros?

Attached: latinx.jpg (960x794, 44.29K)

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Who says the insult in question makes it really vary.

It's simple hypocrisy and I fully understand it. Any Latino or Latina that talks shit about faggots saying Latinx have my support.

if you're trying to talk about them as a group does it not make more sense to say latinx though so you encompass both?

is brazil latinx of lusox?

No, the inclusive is Latino.

It's brxsil, bigot

What's popping in Somalia my man

The word "latinx" is cultural and linguistic colonialism. It was popularized by wipipo trying to be sensitive to browns while not understanding the language.

If you don't understand something who the fuck do you think you are trying to change it?

Why not just say Latin? Why add the retarded x that nobody can pronounce?

75% of Hispanics vote democrat.
Your reap what you sow


just don't like grongoids patronizing us

I fucking hate that, that may "work" in English, but in Spanish it doesn't make any fucking sense, how should it be pronounced "latincs"? Wtf is "latincs"?

Writting Latinx is like saying, I don't give a fuck about Spanish is your mother tongue, you should hear about my English term, fuck that.

I prefer to be called beaner than Latinx, and beaner is a really fucking offensive word.

Latin is the correct form in English, adding an X at the end, is just a form of neo-colonialism and patronizing us about "how we should write in Spanish".


pretty based

it's funny how this simple word "x" can trigger chuds so much

>I prefer to be called beaner than Latinx, and beaner is a really fucking offensive word.
I've heard that comment from gays as well who prefer getting called a fag over some some new queer word.

Hispanic is just an anti mexican term.

We dont call americans 'english' just cause they speak english, so why calling us hispanic for speaking spanish? There are great cultural differences between an cuban and a mexican

Its obviously just how anglos downplay mexican identity in USA

Attached: images (6).jpg (537x571, 44.78K)

its pretty dumb I agree, but you got to admit that is really funny to trigger ChudXs pepo

latino is already gender neutral as well as male

Hi al-shabab

Their language already has the word 'latino' for that purpose. Why are foreigners trying to dictate natives on how to use their language?