I really...

I really, really don't understand why westerners have such a hard-on for "democracy" (which isn't actual democracy but republics with dictators that change every 4 years, decided most of the time by the privately owned mass media).
Ok, I guess I do understand, it's US propaganda, but still.
It's effectively an oligarchy, the average person just doesn't have any understanding for politics and the implications of political decisions, whatever the media says most of them will take at face value.
The only western nation that has any sort of actual democracy that comes to mind is Switzerland, which is still a republic but citizens directly vote on a lot of issues - and that's a nation that isn't even well-aligned with the US due to their overall neutrality in most matters, they aren't even in NATO.

Some other systems like an absolute monarchy might not seem desirable, but they don't pretend to be something they are not, they have someone in charge who is dedicated to making decisions that benefit the nation as a whole since their personal gain depends on it (contrary to a republic, where that relationship might actually be reversed) and the power structure is entirely clear.
Sure it's not perfect as a monarch can be a retard, but at least he is a honest one who will be well-educated.

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All true.
EU needs the Emperino.

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the fact I must live under the sovereignty of ANY state irks the shit out of me, I do not accept any of their claimed dominions over my mind or body, or those of my compatriots they can rot in hell and be bored to shit

didnt aristotle shill for monarchy?

bombed to shit****

jesus christ I am going to have an aneurism if I keep getting drunk and thinking about cops I gotta take boxing lessons or something man I'm so goddamn pissed off


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I mean Plato pretty much already did that.


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Democracy with 9billion+ people is truly an empty slogan.

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so he didnt mean aristocracy by that, but...you know one nation - one philosophenkönig?

btw. i was lately reading some edward bernays and he was - referring to walter lippmann - shilling for an actual fassadendemokratie.
i.e. aristocracy masked as democracy.

his shit is nearly 100 yo, but i think reading him gives you the best understanding of 'democracy' these days

democracy only exists among equals.

yeah. but we are going full china anyways. kinda curious about this autumn. next killer around the corner. EU prolonged vaxxpass diddnt they?

the restriction of democracy only to the wealthy was not about oppressing the poor it was simply an understanding that the poor could never have any political power.

>we are going full china
Is EU finally going to protect it's interests?

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>EU protect it's interests
always. their interests are simply not in line with europe's interests

Polybius had it right imo, a mixed system like that of Sparta or the Roman Republic is best - but then again, all things can be corrupted and we must stay alert.

Well I think his idea of monarchy didn't have that much to do with nobility.

He held aristocracy (the rule of the few), in high regard, as long as it was not "corrupted", that means these few were well-educated (in his hypothetical even perfectly educated) and morally just, a corrupted aristocracy he called an oligarchy and it was pretty much worse than anything else.

An aristocracy with only a single ruler he called a monarchy, a corrupted one a tyranny.

That's how I understand it at least.


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Centralization of power leads to massive corruption, and that leads to systems under government becoming ineffective. You may joke that they are now, but you have no idea how much worse it could get.

Typical US propaganda.
Rulers once knew about Damocles' sword...
The absolute monarchies Europe once had were not perfect, but not nearly as corrupt as today's "democracies".

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