How did the spaniards conquer the native americans?

how did the spaniards conquer the native americans?
Why did the natives allow the spaniards to survive off anything in the land?

I'm certain that some thousand spaniards 10,000 miles away from spain could not defeat millions of native americans or hundreds of thousands.

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why not

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Through religion and alliances

They used an ancient technique called "El renacuajo creciente" but an anglo could never understand such powers


the worst mistake in history was native americans allying with cortes.

how stupid were those allies of spain did they not realize that the spaniards were evil?

thanks for your input, next time read some history books

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the native americans allied with the spaniards to overthrow other native americans

They coughed on them. Why do you think we stopped the world for two years for a cough? Coughs are that powerful.

maybe the natives shouldn't have bullied the other natives

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>did they not realize that the spaniards were evil?
everyone was

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witch trials in poorupe burning and executing people is normal but tearing out someones heart to appease the gods is wrong somehow?

I'd say both are pretty fucked up honestly

the heart sacrifices could have been stopped or reduced but it was an internal affair and did not need to involve foreigners.

Very stupid considering long-term consequences

aztecs betraying each other. the mexica , tlaxcaltecs and la malinche were all aztec. non aztec natives like the pame & chichimeca jonaz resisted the spicniards

nigga it was an uprising, they were under a tyrannical kingdom

>chichimeca jonaz
During the ensuing Spanish colonization of the Americas, the Chichimecas Jonaz descendants, whom are the Pame nation, joined the Chichimeca Confederation to fight against the Spanish Empire in the Chichimeca War. The Chichimeca Confederation defeated the Spanish Empire in this forty-year war.

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1. Wars among native americans
2. Smallpox

1. Big cojones.
2. Smart tactics.
3. Faith of haing a divine mandate to save their souls.

And for those thatwill say that other tribes helped the Spaniards...they seem to forget that Spaniards also had to defeat these tribes for 3 times in major battles (in a ration 50 to 1 at least) before these tribes decided to help the Spaniards against the Mexicas.

One of the best books to read is the Chronicle of the Conquista of New Spain by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, a soldier of Cortes. He even describes the sacrifices, the cannibalism (indians were fed as pigs in order to get fat and then eaten) or how the indians costumes included being sodomites.

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the cannibalism (indians were fed as pigs in order to get fat and then eaten)

don't you eat the flesh and blood of haysues christo?