If white men are superior then why they go bald so fast and often?

if white men are superior then why they go bald so fast and often?

Attached: zakol.jpg (750x679, 236.19K)

Spainsisters...not like this

>not being bald
Are you a girl?

40% of men aren't bald here.

This is why I think Black men are more alike to JW's image

Why are the names of all countries capitalised except for Poland? XDXDXD

literally me

Because they have small Penisse, too

arabs are by far the worst ethnicity when it comes to suffering from balding. 90% of arabs over 25 are bald or terribly balding.

From an evolutionary pov you could say a bald head is an advantage, because it makes it easier for your body to absorb vitamin d + you're more aerodynamic

And the smaller dicks are also an evolutionary advantage? White "men" just can't compete

>it makes it easier for your body to absorb vitamin d + you're more aerodynamic
Bald men 1
Girly boys 0

Proof that we are white


What's your problem? lol

It's caucasian stuff

And they underlined the heckin' U.S.A

Maybe it's a climate adaption. They get more vitamin D from the sun to keep their testosterone levels up in dark months.

cope harder self hating faggot shits easy to fix with just finasteride alone

Why is there such a gap between Czechs and Slovaks/Poles?

We're not even on the graph, user.

>Japan the baldest
Return to tradition, yellow man.

Attached: KS003_hairstyleL.jpg (763x529, 135.17K)

I figured you weren't on the graph because the rates were low
Although it's more likely you just weren't surveyed at all now that I think of it