Why is this guy so fucking obsessed with hating America and sucking the cock of Europe...

Why is this guy so fucking obsessed with hating America and sucking the cock of Europe? His entire reasoning is literally "ROADS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT!"
He doesn't even address the suffering of Europeans.

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Europeans don't suffer

YouTube keeps trying to force his videos onto me.

He's right though

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He made one good video that went viral and now his subscribers expect the same thing over and over again

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Favourite past time of dutch people is watching Youtube videos of foreigners praising their country.
It brings a lot of views, so he caters to them

He does make good points.
ROADS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT in the netherlands and many other european countries is good


omg I love 4 wheeled cages sooo much

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Why is int so obsessed with him? Just don't watch him if you don't like to lmao

Europeans don't really get what it's like to be born and spend the first 20 years of your life in a car dependent society. They live on tutorial easy sandbox mode for little babies
What's that you don't need to go into debt and spend hundreds on gas and spend hours sitting in traffic just if you want to go to the grocery store or see your friends? Also no car infrastructure is why Europeans can afford good healthcare, education, social subsidies, pension, infrastructure and a million other things. Car infrastructure bankrupts the government and puts them int an inescapable debt spiral. Cars are the biggest problem with society and I'm tired of pretending their not. On top of bankrupting your city and making you a poor fat fuck who can only sit at home all day, they pollute, kill thousands of people a year, are loud, inefficient and everybody who owns one is a bad person for it. I'm 100% serious carfags are alight upon humanity and Europeans live in super easy tutorial sand box mode because they put their cage cucks in their place (I think they belong six feet under for destroying the nation and ruining so many lives but that's just me for their own personal greed and stupidity but that's just me). Yes Going to Europe is actually an eye opening mind blowing experience for canadians solely because we grew up in the carfag suburbs. We're the only people who live in this disgusting inhumane manner because it makes our automotive petro, landlord oligarchs more GDP (which will trickle down any day guys, Reaganomics have been debunked for decades but let's do it still because the dumbass prole carfag masses are too stupid to see anything). I want to do a triple jump on a carfags head and watch the brains shoot out like a fucking goomba.

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whats with the black flag?

I like to watch him but I have to admit he is a total faggot

VGhhh sovllll
>whats with the black flag?
protest flag

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But muh heckin stinky poor and brown people, I don't want to be near them

they really like unpractical shit dont they

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Europe is based
New world cringe

I just don't understand why they wouldn't want to raise their kids in suburbia

There isn't a critical mass of violent thugs who aren't a part of your culture in your country.
So you can't understand

He's got a good video regarding this topic. In short - pre ww2 suburbs good, new (post ww2) suburbs bad


I wouldn't either
t. raised in one