The only people I feel kinship towards. Everyone else can fuck off

The only people I feel kinship towards. Everyone else can fuck off

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nodoby asked nobody cares chud chudinkowski

Isn't Belarusian (rip) actually really close to Polish outside of the script?

vgh groBpolonivms

How do eastern Germans feel about poles?

they usually spit out some butthurt propaganda lines

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They do not think about them.
Sometimes some decrepit boomers will lobby the government to pay them back for their lost homes in the former territories but then a few newspapers call them ‘nazis’ and everyone forgets about it again.

Belarusian sounds like Polsih but without the cosmic noise

The only people I feel kinship towards. Everyone else can fuck off

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There is not a single person I feel kinship towards. Everyone is the enemy.

I'd unironically love Belarus if they spoke Belarussian

Imagine being irish living in NY next to counties literally called "Ulster" and "Orange"



No. It's an East Slav language. Only Polish loanwords make it somewhat close. But the structure is closer to Russian. It's pretty much dead language anyway, so why care?

>Ulster to the northeast of Sullivan
it's perfect.

Belarusian and Ukrainians are not languages, they are halfway polonized russkies that didn't finish the job. Our country collapsed until they would become polish and not impoverished russkie offbrand

East Germans are ogres
I don't feel any connection to these "people"

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Same. I even worship them, especially Czechs.

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Go back to wykop, you greasy haired shit

I wasn't sure who I feel kinship to, until the /panslav/ pole started making threads. I definitely feel no attachment to this soulless hellhole. Now I understand who my people are, even if my home country is a shithole.
So yes, OP, you are my brother whether you like it or not.

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Panslavism is evil and cringe. Kys

You will see the light one day brother