Why are the Nordic countries clean?

Why are the Nordic countries clean?

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Tis where the real corruption is at

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you know nordic countries sell their rubbish to the third world right?


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Come on, you know why

They paid to get higher score.

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I doubt it about Switzerland at least.

Yeah who is perceiving this?


BTW, the average score is 43.

This is not true at all lol

I am

Argentinâ is one above Brazil, which has a yoodge population.


BTW, avarage by region

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Low level corruption is pretty much impossible in the UK when dealing with the authorities, people like to dodge taxes by paying cash etc for small businesses but you will never get anywhere outside of that.
Everyone is a little neek who would snitch immediately.

because we would probably hang openly corrupt politicians in the market square while chanting the national anthem, if we have corruption they keep it under wraps enough that people can't call them out on it and get a lynch mob going

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Also man Rwanda fell down, it was ranked higher that Poland and the usa in the past now Botswana is dabbing on them.

>not corrupt

I will never wageslave in Sudanstralia.

I remember one anecdote about a road that crosses the borders between it and Chile and there being signs on the Chilean side telling tourists to stop trying to bribe the highway policemen when stopped.

not really our politicians just know how to keep their corruption hidden or within acceptable limit that people can't get too pissed about it to actually do anything about it, there is still small scale corruption like politicians funneling funding to a new sauna spot for themselves while they cut funding for elderly etc

Why is UAE above USA and why are they both so high up there?
One has slavery and the other ruled by money.
"What is corruption" define by their website:
>Corruption can take many forms, and can include behaviours like:
>public servants demanding or taking money or favours in exchange for services
>politicians misusing public money or granting public jobs or contracts to their sponsors, friends and families
>corporations bribing officials to get lucrative deals
Maybe they think it's enough if you can just make deals smoothly or whatever.

Ireland, France, New Zeeland, Estonia, Australia, Germany, Canada, USA, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Taiwan, South Korea, Netherlands and Switzerland pays them.