Crazy to think that there are Americans right now who think slavery was good and fair

Crazy to think that there are Americans right now who think slavery was good and fair.

In Germany they don't play around with nazis, nazi parties are illegal and you'd get arrested for flying their flags.

But Americans are fine with this?

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I don't think anyone believes that, except for your bonafide white supremacists

One struggle

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Most people don't think slavery was good and fair, though some fringe wierdos do. Most Confederate flag larpers just cope by claiming that the war wasn't about slavery and was about muh state's rights and they're flying their heritage.

Cork gaa supporters used to fly the Confederate flag for years. It is really aesthetic. Cork are known as "the rebels" so the flag was a good fit for them..they also flew the imperial Japanese flag. Liberals started seething a few years ago of course and more or less put a stop to these things.

It's like flying the swastika flag but saying "I don't think we should be putting Slavs in camps, my grandfather was in Gestapo so it's my heiritige"
Wtf I thought only unionists did that stupid shit
Really cringe

yes I never said I agreed with it but that's their retarded cope. they argue it's not about slavery and just about southern pride.

also to give them some credit I do think most of the ones flying it genuinely do believe it's just about southern pride and think they can fly it without being in favor or defense of slavery.

in the 20th century it became more a symbol of segregation and white supremacy than that of an actual slave state.

Ah OK yeah that makes it alright

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old worlders have trouble understanding this because you never needed it in your country to keep social order. it's a bit similar to the way some European countries fought civil wars for a while before they became the country that we see today on the contemporary map.

Yeah but we didn't fight civil wars over if we should keep slavery or not.
only exception to that is I think France kinda sorta and most of them recognise revolution as a good thing

i'm referring to the historical relations between black and white Americans, two different but parallel nations.

so you think a black dude waving that wants to be enslaved or some shit?

Why are you so obsessed with taking away rights from people in a country you don't even live? It's just a flag and you want to make it illegal because you have a distorted and perverted view of history written by antiwhite jews.

You had two civil wars which your jews dragged us into. Fuck you.

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>by claiming that the war wasn't about slavery
Only reddit smoothbrains think it was

Yeah because Germans got snipped permanently after WW2.

Slavery was bullshit because it brought people here who hate America. A Nazi doesn't want slavery, he wants complete separation of the races.

It genuinely sort of morphed into a sort of southern pride or redneck pride thing for a little while in the 70’s. Of course now it’s become political because everything is political. A lot of people fly it now just to trigger the libs.

>A Nazi doesn't want slavery
>what are slavs

The war wasn't about slavery, it was about southern independence.