Do you want to live in and purchase a home in KANSAS?

Do you want to live in and purchase a home in KANSAS?
There's no catch!

Attached: 546865485468.jpg (1249x865, 721.71K)

the catch is having to live in kansas

for euros here who are about to say "americans don't suffer" this is a mobile home and you still pay rent after buying it

Yes. I live in Kansas. But everything has gotten so much more expensive. I was gonna buy something in Wichita but now I want to live on the Kansas side of Kansas City and things are much more expensive here if you don't wanna live in the ghetto.

Move to the west or southeast side of the state, get away from the cities bro. Homes are still cheap here.

I'd rather not move to the middle of nowhere where I'll no nobody.

Maybe you might learn how to spell though

I dont know, 50k to rent something for 8 months until the first tornado rips it from the ground sounds a bit much.

Come to Kansas

How much do houses cost outside big cities in America? No fancy or ghetto neighborhoods.

which is worse, Kansas or Oklahoma?

>There's no catch!
50k$ to live in middle of nowhere, "no catch"

Kansas freaks me out. Look at this shit.

Attached: kansas-aerial-view-summer-1968.jpg (3600x2400, 2.39M)

This is probably the state where most of flat earth believers come from lol

looks like home

No the Great Plains scare me as SwedishAnon stated

>this is a mobile home
mobile how?

american mobile homes means it has hook installed and no proper foundations, it only moves once to it spot and then people modify it to look like normal house.

there's a chimney

I used to live there until I moved to Virginia for high school. I don't think I would go back even if it's less expensive

Yea fair enough, this is propably just normal bungalow, but many trailer homes looks similar