How common are depression and anxiety in your country? How do people cure it?

How common are depression and anxiety in your country? How do people cure it?

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Depression you can turn off and on. Anxiety is a little tougher cause sometimes it actually feels like your lungs are closed up or you’re having a heart attack


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>Anxiety is a little tougher cause sometimes it actually feels like your lungs are closed up or you’re having a heart attack
I've had episodes like that, but with depression and despair

Brazil was the country with most medical depression cases last time I checked. I think most of it is due to people realizing how shitty it is to be a third worlder

depression and anxiety are not real

My anxiety has improved with a more balanced diet and good rest.


fuck psychiatrists that prescribe anti-depressants

How did you fix it?

i think i have those

I only have depression because I have generalized anxiety disorder. When I take the anxiety meds my depression goes away

idk but getting NEETbux some of my financial anxiety away. My NEETbux backpay gave me enough to try alternative treatments such as ketamine therapy, which I hope will work.

>Brazil was the country with most medical depression cases last time I checked. I think most of it is due to people realizing how shitty it is to be a third worlder
No, probably because the metrics are different for Brazil
>Anåon, you reported having sex with only two bundas per day and haven't at least one hour daily at the beach. I hereby diagnose you with depression.

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supplements + probiotics + prebiotics
exercise + diet helps too
started applying for jobs then saved a healthy emergency fund to afford decent financial stability which helped with stress and gave me a chance to quit without worrying about the future too much
My progress in life has stagnated since quitting my job, but I'm not "depressed". Who knows how these anti-depressants will change the functioning of your brain over time? We haven't evolved to take medication for a trivial "disease" that has alternative therapies which are sustainable with low risk of causing long-term harm.

if you're not already well past depression and into uncontrolled rage, then i don't want to talk to you. you're probably underage or close to it.

Think I only had one panic attack in my life. It freaked me out a good bit. I had that heart attack fear like you said and this feeling of depersonalization, like I was detached from my surroundings. I guess I got down on the floor by instinct (because I ended up on the floor somehow) but didn't pass out.

Very strange feeling I don't want to repeat.

but you say you are depressed all the time

>gave me a chance to quit without worrying about the future too much

Yeah but that doesn't last forever. you can live off what you made for awhile but eventually you'll have to work again. Or you're saying you're applying for new jobs now?

Literally never said that. You could find my old posts when I called depression a hoax and fake

Depression can becured with one pill,one lead pill straight through your skull

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You qualified for SSDI from depression?

you got the posts talking about your depression deleted