Should native american nations become independant countries?

should native american nations become independant countries?
They have their own languages, histories, cultures, cuisines, arts, literature etc.. nothing to do with Spanish or Spain.

Attached: natives.jpg (1200x852, 174.62K)

Other urls found in this thread: 1.5 million Nahuas speak Nahuatl and another,present day Mexican states of Durango and Nayarit.

shut the fuck up cara de nopal
you motherfuckers whine more than Afro-Saxons

why the fuck are Americans like this seriously
>break everything up! turn everything into microstates! who cares that they have no opportunity for infrastructure or economy! just give them independence!
fuck off

They should be enslaved and genocided via miscegenation

Attached: 1655168885262.png (1271x711, 1.45M)

all Latinos should be at least 50% euro. Under no circumstances should the indigenous percentage rise

idk wtf you're talking about these are peoples with their own native language and identity who don't identify as mexican.


About 1.5 million Nahuas speak Nahuatl

They consider themselves Nahuas and not Mexicans by nation.
Subject of Mexico but not Mexican. 1.5 million Nahuas speak Nahuatl and another,present day Mexican states of Durango and Nayarit.

Attached: nahuas.png (1024x1024, 10.96K)

need a white husband

>Don't identify as Mexican
Then they should stop recieving aid from the federal government which I pay for with my taxes, pinches indios

They should just get independence for their nation.
they got nothing to do with Spanish speakers and hispanics.

Mexico by default is an hispanic mestizo construct, it's the political heir of New Spain, isolated communities from the countryside just live there.

Again, they should start their independence process by rejecting federal aid.

Sure, but millions do not speak Spanish as their native language or have any inherited spanish culture they have continous cultural identity with their own national identity.

that’s 1.16% of Mexico’s population
the legacy of Mexico is primarily hispanic with secondary indigenous influences which has created its own unique identity
stop being an annoying LARPer

>the legacy of Mexico
It is an inherited political state taken from the Spanish which conquered and ruled over others not by consent.

based but after 50% the next biggest component should be indio and latinx who have african instead of indio as major input source like dominicans, cubans and brazilx should be forcibly mated with mestizos until that is rectified

not a single member of any native nations related to any of this "independence".

most Mexicans are descendants of those conquerors wether they like it or not
it IS their heritage with the exceptions of the small insular native communities

native nations were under Spanish occupation during the Hispanic-Mexican independence war and none agreed to be under Mexico after those Spanish speakers fought with other Spanish speakers.

I don't see how difficult it is for you to understand how a nahuatl person with his own culture and history will not care about conqueror of his land nor will identify with his influence.

23,232,391 self-identified indigenous people (19.41%).[1] 11,132,562 people living in households where a person speaks an indigenous language. (8.8% of the population)

Attached: POBLACIÓN_INDÍGENA_POR_MUNICIPIO,_2.png (584x452, 203.21K)


Selling your daughter in exchange for a goat isn't culture.

because that’s how conquering works
it happened in Rome, Byzantium, England, Egypt, etc.
the conquered assume the culture of the conquerors and inherit that unless they fight and win with violence

They don't though.
None of the 23.2 million natives in mexico claim any identity with Spain or any of its derivatives.