What does your lastname mean?

What does your lastname mean?

Mine means "dry fointain" in Galician

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german for grower of lentils

The French word for Germany

German for artist

it's a derivation of the German word for field
because my ancestors most likely were peasants

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Of the line of paul

something to do with bridges


I ain't saying shit

Mine is derived from some place in lelgium, BORING

"Kurdish" , which is weird because I'm Polack with 100% Polish ancestry

fisherman on someone that resembles a fish

some very old germanic way of saying "god of war"

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do you even lift?


fast runner, Anglo/Scottish
not turner

Something like jeweler or wise army

Iron or iron worker

spear thrower

i don't know

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"a student"
it's ironic because most of my family are complete idiots including myself

In Mixteca*


Are you Britney Spears?

i lift joe mama looooool
look it up
