I can memorize up to 50 digits on the spot

>I can memorize up to 50 digits on the spot

Would this skill of mine take me far in your country? What would be the best way to take advantage of this ability in your country

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Study something that requires a lot of memorization, like chemistry or biology.
Otherwise, it's useless.

Being the bestest cashier at OXXO.

Good idea! Maybe need to become programmer...

>tfw I can't memorize anything more than 6 digits.

>50 numbers
its not fair

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Become a tv phenomenom in the letters and number games

Don't feel bad, it's literally just memory techniques I use(memory palaces and such) and everyone can do it after training. It took me about 1 year to get here.

programming is easy as fuck, you should study history or some social science instead.

You CAN become a chef and basically remember exact recipes which will make starting your career easier.

Not if I'm doing AI and neuroscience stuff

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That is legitimately the worst advice I've ever heard

politics. quote statistics at people


he could be a living encyclopedia instead if a code monkey

Handsome gentleman

Code monkeys make infinitely more money

the average american owns a huge house and 3 cars minimum on a mcDonalds pay, what more do you need?

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Looks like railroad map of chicago

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