Is gender transition cheap and accessible in your country?

Is gender transition cheap and accessible in your country?

Brazil: the hormones are "OK" in value, the surgerys are expensive, by law it's easy to do the transition (it's allowed) but it's difficult to find doctors who works in this area.

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>300K for a giant new house
is this image 20 years old?

Very inaccessible, if it were up to the gender clinic it'd be illegal to do gender transition, and they refuse as many people as they can get away with and lobby to get the other alternatives banned.

cheapest way to do it here is move to the far north and go to a university there because their student insurance covers it

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Why is Norway so burocratic...?

I have to study hard to get a federal university here, so the money my parents would invest in a private university they are going to help with my transition

A sweden being transfobic... Don't try to pretend, you're trans too.

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Does Brazil have a lot of transsexuals or transgenders?

I don't think so

I love bunda Brazilian shemales if I could marry one I would do it instantly

what's with troons and granny names, it's always Alice, Debbie and the like. Are you so out of touch with femininity?


I want to change my name to Marie or Erika

Don't care, rather cringe than being quite about my love

Now you said like a man I want to find in the future, a man that is not ashamed of having a trans gf

Bye guys, I will get out, so I'm not going to answer you any more

Bye babe

Thats fuckin expensive

I used to want to become a woman, but after the first operation, I no longer had the balls to keep going.

Based, can we donate some money for your funeral in 3 years?

300k for a house is dirt cheap.