Pakistanis are now commiting rapes in Northern Cyprus...

Pakistanis are now commiting rapes in Northern Cyprus. Nabeel Nabeel raped an 8 year old girl after luring her with sweets.

Turks aren't safe anywhere from their Pakistani brothers.

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People like that usually end up missing around here

Turks are too timid to do anything

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Stab him in the throat

Mashallah, inshallah, and alhamdulillah

what's wrong with Pakis?

Pakis even do that hear. My friends daughter got groped by Pakis who tried to give her candy. Why are they like this?

Islam + Indian genes turns people into the worst abominations. Convert to Hinduism/Christianity or become atheists.

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I type too fast

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>turks getting raped
poetic justice

As a Pakistani, I am a descendant of GREEK AND Macedonian warriors from Alexander the Great.

I will avenge my Greek brothers by browning Turkish girls with my big PAKISTANI cock.

But what turk did? Should it anglo for their sexpat?

2 Greek 4 you m9

Seriously, why is it always pakis?

mr. White there may actually be more german than that p*lack

pajeet + islam = unbeatable horny combo

If turks do it they are heroes
If someone does it on them he should be killed

If the rapist was from Cyprus you'd have just called him rapist. Admit you are racist against Pakis

Why is it more prevalent per capita among them?

But it's always Pakis

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Dont Pakis worship Turkey?

Why are Pakis so based? They rape the rapists. The biggest imperialist/colonizers in world history - Britain, Turkey, etc. - all bow before the Pakistani BVLL.