Was the world better under Donald Trump in your country?

Was the world better under Donald Trump in your country?

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No. It was awful
Trump imposed several tariffs upon brazilian goods

Not really we had Covid under him. Joe solved it and now it's over

it was amazing
news cycle made you sense the time
it positively impacted my life

Yes Biden should be impeached for committing voter fraud

Unironically yes, lol

yes it was

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Everything was better a year ago, and even better a year before that. Saying the world was better when known CIA-sponsored bitch Trump was around is retarded.

Yeah it made the Londonistanis seethe

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I was still alive

Shit is really falling to pieces everywhere
is it true that the NHS is failing on purpose?

You know it's not trump right?

The CIA and military hated Trump

Really? Who is it?

A huge team dedicated to managing his social media
Every politician and businessmen of note have one

No. I (and many others) lost money because Trump fucked with the global economy.

cia was seething so hard when trump was about to end american invasion of syria. they accused us killing kurd civilians and trump was hitler for allowing it so on.

No. Americans and even Euros felt more free to be openly racist against us.

It was good entertainment, I mean Joe being dement was funny too but it got old. Trump was a constant source of entertainment

It was funnier/ That's for sure. Joe is not funny.