Do you worship Tengri in your country?

Do you worship Tengri in your country?

Attached: tengri.jpg (1920x1080, 1.27M)

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No, i hate those wannabe drummers.

based true nomad putting retarded anatolian larpers in place

who do you worship then?

this is what chinese influence does to a mf

No I worship Allah.

They are known for scammers.
Money and drugs.
I hate chinese same as roaches.

>implying old Turkic tribes were genetically homogeneous to begin with

I don't understand why you would worship an imaginary being instead of Jehovah.

They’re all imaginary including Jehovah

Where is Jesus' body ?



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The same place as the Hawaiian God called Kaiili, who rose from the dead and sailed into the ocean on a canoe.

The “Dying-and-rising god” motif exist in many cultures. For example, the psychologist Carl Jung believes the story of Jesus rising from the dead was copied from the Egyptian god Osiris doing to thousands of years earlier.

So where is Jesus' body ?

Where is Kaiili’s body?

He is not a real person. Jesus was a real person, so where is his body ?

Ask native Hawaiians. He’s as real a person as Jesus was. Too many oral tales for him to not be real

Oral tales can be false.

Now tell me where Jesus' body is :)

You are right, which means, because none of the writers of the gospels met Jesus, the story of Jesus is highly unreliable.

>none of the writers of the gospels met Jesus

Proof ?

The Gospels themselves. You’ve never fucking read them? Lmfao. That’s usually how it is though.

>The four canonical gospels were first mentioned between 120 and 150 by Justin Martyr, who lived c.100-185.[51] Justin had no titles for them and simply called them the "memoirs of the Apostles", but around 185 Iraneus, a bishop of Lyon who lived c.130–c.202, attributed them to: 1) Matthew, an apostle who followed Jesus in his earthly career; 2) Mark, who while himself not a disciple was the companion of Peter, who was; 3) Luke, the companion of Paul, the author of the Pauline epistles; and 4) John, who like Matthew was an apostle who had known Jesus.[5]
>The majority of New Testament scholars agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts;[53] but that they present the theologies of their communities rather than the testimony of eyewitnesses.[54][55]

just a random eye witness testimony from people decades after it all happened, that all happened to conveniently be Jews desperate for a messianic figure. You’d figure at least some Romans, Greeks, or Persians would write about the magic man multiplying fishes and walking on water…but nah.

This has been debunked

>Jehova’s Witness
There are many former Jehovas Witness who will be happy to help you break out from the cult

Satan lost.

Satan isn’t real either. You don’t have to waste the rest of your life pondering over fictional characters. There’s help out there

You're Muslim tho

Yes he is. Satan was originally an angel who developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship.

Satan influenced Adam and Eve to disobey God, and humanity subsequently became participants in a challenge involving the competing claims of Jehovah and Satan to universal sovereignty.
Other angels who sided with Satan became demons.

Satan and his demons were cast down to earth from heaven after October 1, 1914, at which point the end times began. Satan is the ruler of the current world order, human society is influenced and misled by Satan and his demons, and they are a cause of human suffering.

Human governments are controlled by Satan, but he does not directly control each human ruler.

To me this is like someone talking about Harry Potter or Mickey Mouse. You realize that right? Everything you’re saying is just silly and ridiculous

But everything in the Bible is true. Where we can check biblical claims against verifiable truth, the Bible proves itself accurate !

History, archaeology, science, and philosophy have shown Scripture to be factual and consistent :)