Has Germany fallen?

has Germany fallen?

Attached: 64363.jpg (1280x960, 873.27K)

I don't get it, despite the ugly view seems clean and civilized

That looks like Poland, not Germany

Plumber wages have fallen to 10€ an hour. Dont come here.

>despite the ugly view

why do you call it ugly?

Why do you suggest that?

why do you think it looks like Poland and not Germany?

Cleanliness and civilisation are globohomo westoid concepts

This is the view from my home. We are not the same

Attached: Porto-Old-Town01_shutterstock_365359853.jpg (2000x1335, 1.25M)


Based, fellow Gaiabro

POG, Polish occupied Germany

>We are not the same

Did anyone say that?

The color and style of the buildings. Germany doesn't have buildings like that. You are Polish.

Unter polnischer Verwaltung

>The color and style of the buildings

What are German buildings like in style and color then?

It's Poland for sure, got it. Too much orange.

>Too much orange.


Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2022.06.10-22_48_56.jpg (1520x752, 995.73K)

this is the same thing with saturation turned up

do you think this is colorful enough?

Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2022.06.10-22_53_16.jpg (1517x755, 867.33K)
