Will Türkiye permanently colonize northern Syria...

Will Türkiye permanently colonize northern Syria? The schools there are apparently indoctrinating kids with the Turkish nationalist version of history.

Attached: turkish occupation zone.png (800x530, 143.63K)

No. Kurds will hold unto their landgrabs, they will not want arabs back.
Kurds basically pulled out of Turkey in exchange of having Syria. They will fight tooth and nail to control it

>Will Türkiye permanently colonize northern Syria
Inşallah we will take Syria, then Greece, then Bulgaria
İnşALLAH OTTOMAN EMPIRE comes again we missed the dost

Isn't it a good thing? If Kurds are busy defending their territory in Syria, then they can't carry out attacks in Türkiye. It benefits your country to stay there permanently.

Anti refugee sentiment is very high, no one wants syrians here and the hatred is mutual. Erdoğan is basically keeping the peace, Everyone in opposition is anti refugee ranging from mild to extreme levels.

we are not after colonizing anywhere. we are creating safe heaven for our syrian brothers in türkiye so they can go back to their homes

Most Syrian arabs belong to damascus, aleppo, homs and lattakia and not efrin, manbaj or qamishli

Look into pre civil war kurdish areas, most kurdish controlled areas had arab majority. They basically landgrabbed arab lands.
turkish army also landgrabbed kurdish lands, so ideally both would withdraw.

if we had a based leader he'd strike an agreement with Erdogan so that we could also send people back there

syria for all syrians not just for k*rds

It looks a lot like colonization when your country is running all of the government services, there are Turkish flags hanging on government buildings, and kids are being taught Turkish in school.

Attached: syrian school.jpg (864x486, 316.29K)

its not colonization if we dont send turks to settle there

Turkey has already done that before with Cyprus...

You sort of are by sending Syrians that have lived in Turkey for years and have probably learned some Turkish there. Turks are mutts afterall

Attached: muttpride.png (1087x1087, 218.7K)

With Cyprus yeah sure

This time we want syrians out from Turkey and we are kicking them to syria
How is that colonization


They are not citizens they are not even refugees as Turkey has not signed such a clause per Turkish law are under temporary protection.
Not that Syrians love this place, plenty of them would gladly go to Europe or USA if you want to save poor Syrians from Turkish barbarism please do.

They aren't Turks faggot, just Erdoshit playing Ummah and having low IQ arabs taking the bait as usual, Israelis should've finished the job long ago.

So what makes a Turk a Turk? If people in the region can speak Turkish, are taught Turkish history in schools, and are exposed to secularism, then aren't they essentially Turkified?

>exposed to secularism

They are not turkified at all they see Turkey and Turks as hostile and perfectly aware how much the people hate them.

I saw a video of a Syrian living in Istanbul that was wearing western clothes, could speak decent Turkish, and said that he liked living in Turkey. Granted I think he moved before the anti-refugee sentiment and inflation became really bad.

Nibba, "Turkishness" is carried over from ones fathers line and must have a legacy behind it, you don't suddenly become a "Turk" despite what Erdoganists seem to think, do you think you can suddenly become a German?
How do you know what speaking "decent" Turkish is? kek

its not same thing. there would be no cyrpus issue if cypriot greeks didnt chimp out.