Spanish is the ultimate normie core language. What is it about Spanish that attracts normies so much?

Spanish is the ultimate normie core language. What is it about Spanish that attracts normies so much?

Attached: espanol.jpg (267x189, 11.17K)

maybe is because normies have... sex?

They wanna drink cervezas on the playa with the chicas con tetes grandes.

It's piss easy to learn
Like creole Esperanto

is it really that easy? a thread is up rn where someone is complaining about the complexity of spanish
however my latin teacher from university hated spanish. he said people should learn german or italian instead
sexo with spanish twinkos?

Tropical weather

mexican food and disney movies featuring hispanic characters have ruined the spanish language

It sounds pleasant

Sounds like inane babbling. The only Romance language I can tolerate is French.

Yeah but why in the fuck would you learn that? Spanish is actually useful

Useful for what? It’s as useful as French is

You must be retarded if you really think french is as useful as spanish

Spanish isn't useful at all here kek. Maybe if you go on holiday to mallorca bit then everyone speaks German there anyway

Both are equally useless

Having more speakers means shit if the vast majority of those live in some South American shithole

French is definitely more useful within Europe

But your penis and balls shrink while speaking this homo language

no useful is English and then depending on region, e.g. a slavic language or turkish would be useful here... even arabic it's probably more widely spoken than french in every western capital city apart from paris

maybe user wants to visit France

Pff dont be silly dude

what better reason is there to learn a language than to visit the countries that speak it?

Your job?

for me the learning always starts out of curiosity

>someone is complaining about the complexity of spanish
you gotta be a retard to think spanish is in any way a hard language, moreso if you compare it to any other language
knowing french means you've got a tool to comunicate with fr*nchoids and that's a fate i'd like to avoid
i hope they switch over to arabic soon

I would love to learn a third language but i have no idea wich one. Chinese would be the smartest choice i guess?