
Lmao even

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what a fucking waste of time and money that whole thing was, forgot it even happened

the southern cross is fucking ugly in red ngl.
The fern looks much better

Perfection cannot be beaten

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union jack ruins every flag



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I support the current flag

so wrong

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I'm Irish and to a point I agree however they created your culture and civilisation


fush and chups

union jack is tight

Union flag

Australia and NZ should become republics and change their flags. Luckily this will happen as more and more non white immigrants come in, they have no connection to Britain and will vote as we dictate. Australia and the right to self decision making

Idk I think it looks great except for the red stars.

it's based when it takes up the entire flag

Ah, yes, my fellow Jew, we must never commit racism against our Black brothers and sisters. Remember that when Miriam complained about Zipporah's skin colour, God cursed her with leprosy. Clearly we don't want Yahve to punish us like that. Our great King Solomon married the Queen of Sheba, who gave him a Black bull son to rule Ethiopia. If anything, Blacks are more Jewish than us, and if anything else we should become more like them than they like us.

Let's not forget that Jews ultimately come from a vast array of sub-Saharan ethnic groups. We Jews and sub-Saharans even share a favorite tradition - circumcision, this is something we must never forget. The Lembas in particular have the highest Cohen haplogroup rate of all, they are the true Jews and we must merge with them as common Jews. Today, Judaism, with Jewishness, is largely Brown with many fake "Jews" masquerading as White, tomorrow it will be Black.

First, Palestinians will convert to Judaism, this bloody conflict will end, and Jewish genetics will be enriched, then all non-Europeans will convert to Judaism so to enrich us even further. From there we non-Europeans can merge into one Afro-Asiatic people and collectively return to whence we came in sub-Saharan Africa, leaving the rest of the Earth to be without us and our systemic failures blighting it.

The fact is that Jews will not survive if we don't go into multicultural mode. We are living proof that we cannot carry the burden of race in tandem with our non-White brothers and sisters. Our inter-generational diseases dictate that we failed the moment we sought out to become a race despite consisting of various Afro-Asiatic populations. We must correct this failure once and for all. It's necessary that we leave racial epoch to the Europeans. Jewish miscegenation with all non-Europeans is essential for the survival of Jewry and the prosperity of all.

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the stars is how they discovered the place

Does it have to be red?

Words words words. Do you really expect me to read all that?

It's red cause in the southern hemisphere, colours are different. The stars are red and the sky is green.

Looks a bit communist you're right

Shoulda use the design without the stars. Looked much better.

The Jewish people are amazing, but they follow a disgusting hateful and barbaric religion which is problematic.

>It's red cause in the southern hemisphere, colours are different. The stars are red and the sky is green.
Lad it's clearly 1917 tier shit. Arjuna was correct