If your country doesn't have house geckos, it's soulless

If your country doesn't have house geckos, it's soulless.

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Too cold for them where I live

inshallah we shall acquire them soon

Are you a lizard rapist?

My house is filled with them and they’re so cute

Love these goofy little bastards.

thx for keeping my house free of insects gecko bros

I keep letting them hang around, but they keep getting killed by my cats. They're so stupid.

i hate geckos

Too cold for most reptiles here

We have outside geckos


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I have mediterranean ceiling niggas hanging around all the time during summer (Tarentola mauritanica)

we call them "kisser" here
because of the sound they make


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you too


I killed these mfs on daily basis. Big and small. I killed them all. Straight slap or poisoned. I don't care. Only good geckos are dead geckos

Low IQ

Small amount of intelligence

Umm Shurayk relates that Allah’s Messenger peace be upon him ordered the wazagh to be killed, and he said: “It had blown on (the fire) of Abraham (peace be upon him).” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3359)]

The animal in question is a type of house gecko known in Arabic by the name wazagh. It is a common household pest in the Middle East that lives on the walls and in the crevices of people’s homes.