Do people in your country think its weird to NOT take meds?

Do people in your country think its weird to NOT take meds?
In America, you are ostracized for not taking meds.

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i stopped taking my meds and unironically NO FUCKING MEME all my issues disappeared. not joking. everything has been much better and i am 100% more stable than i ever was over the past 6 years.

"People" like this make USA look like a dystopia

I never understood the meds meme. What kind of meds actually?

Same, haven't taken any in eight years and I'm supposed to be bipolar and autistic according to various "doctors"

(They) won't sell me codeine syrup.

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Lmao I’m actually about to head out to CVS to pick up my new prescription of SSRIs. Not joking.

i don’t take meds because some cause weight gain

yep. numerous occasions where i was suicidal and suddenly all the suicidal ideation stopped when i stopped taking my "antidepressants" and "adhd medications". fuck those faggots. i wish i could sue and get all my fucking money back.

>In America, you are ostracized for not taking meds.
Oh my Fauci, I wish that were the case but there are still non believes who won't get the vaccine!

Schizo meds meme-wise, antidepressants IRL

I got yelled at by a bunch of girls once in a college class because we were all discussing how meds are beneficial for society and I said I think vitamins and supplements and therapy sessions are a good place to start before taking anti depressant/anxiety meds. Everyone just blew up on me for the next 30 minutes. Still ended up fucking some of them though lol

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As if this fucking abomination of a godless consumerist society deserves anything BUT decline and destruction?

>tfw my little sister is on medication because she was sad thinking she will die some day

boomers are the really criminals here. I realized I was going to die when I was little, cried in the shower and didn't needed drugs.

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genuinely how do people function without some sort of spirituality or belief in a greater power
like if you really think that this world in decline is all that there is, how do you not go crazy?

im not on meds but i want to take adderall
i literally cannot focus on anything for more than 10 seconds

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Does asthma medication count?

>white people don’t have cultur-

>tfw government won't fund me medical grade amphetamine

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I would much rather be on medication ever since my counselor told me that there's a strong chance that I have ADHD.

No one in that family is having sex again.