
British Shorthair edition

Attached: British_blue_2009_(cropped).jpg (1024x1024, 231.77K)

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mad how popular video games are now, even with women
also utterly mental how dogshit everyone is at video games now

a cock, a quail, the promise of spring

leftypol memes: rorke walking down the stairs
rorke memes: leftypol walking down high-streets lined with greasy 2/5 hygiene rating chicken shops and grotty newsagents plastered with lyca mobile ads, filled with people who look nothing like him and have no connection to the country they in beyond how much money they can fleece from it and actively campaign against the existence of leftypols people, thinking wow think of the gdp increase

I took a poo.

since all cats are all female, I view shorthair cats the same way I view shorthair women

Would you sleep with a guy who drove this car?

Attached: pug.jpg (1024x768, 190.23K)

was never good at video games me used to play the same few games on my ps1 and ps2 every day and never made it past the first levels
didn’t have a memory card either so started from the beginning every day lol

Attached: 213.jpg (1080x745, 120.42K)

where can I find a woman like this

Attached: e83f82be-3e58-4a50-bfe3-b9b8484d03a6.jpg (600x678, 43.21K)

circumnavigating a wank

would i sleep with a dog? the answer is no

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 13.23.08.png (742x816, 479.88K)


Not turned my ps4 on for over a year probs
howling that some of my mates actually bought PS5s wonder how often they use them
where do they even keep that thing it's a giant fucking sculpture



Rorke is like
>I hate leftoids, they always want to blame someone else for their problems rather than taking responsibility for themselves, under capitalism nothing can hold you back from succeeding on your own terms
>Btw I’m poor and unemployed because of immigrants and I cannot fix anything until we get rid of them

You are an imbecile yes

not feeling good about the World Cup at all
the curtain has fallen and this team can no longer meme it’s way through matches
This is not a good England side at all

Well you obviously aren't a woman then are you lad,hich is who the question in question was directed at.

Daily reminder that LGBTQ = PAEDO

Attached: LGBTQ=PAEDO.png (592x479, 368.4K)

Hate it when people write out things like "just giving a friendly hello" or "warm greetings". Saying something is friendly doesn't actually make it so, it's like a sociopath walking up to you and saying "casual greeting" instead of "hey mate how's it going"?

very bizarre strawman youve created there.
why do you love flooding the country with foreigners?

Or like when you ask for someone to pay half their share of the petrol and they come out with things like: "Happy to contribute"

Leftypol is like
>down with bourgeoisie, free the working class and all that, unless they're white, fuck these racist losers

Attached: bradley-walsh-chase-laughing.jpg (620x349, 17.08K)

stupid cunt

doing stuff

used to work with a proper joyless sap who would say things like this at work , he was there for about ten years and when he left no one batted an eyelid
a "warm greetings" goes a long way sometimes


rorkeypol be like: hate tranners unless im sucking their knobs

God toil is so boring
It's all business process this and quality assurance that
Don't understand how people work in these sorts of environments for 40 years without going mad, man wasn't meant for this

no one bats an eye-lid whenever any one leaves mate. your colleagues aren't your mates you sad cunt. they just replace you with another sap whom they dont care about.

your dreams

I’m stuff

Our lefties dropped that whole shtick years ago. Evoking the working class in political discourse nowadays marks you as a Trumpian reactionary.