Does this happen in your country?

Does this happen in your country?

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>45 degrees
>shitty AC
i literally didnt sleep good for the past week and im too poor to buy a better AC

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You would have 10+ million dead brits if it happened here

gonna be 19 degrees apparently today, fackin scorching

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No and i could not handle that. Everything above 30°C makes me want to die. I love every season except summer

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do brits have ac in their homes?

Comfy as fuck weather you got there pal

Something like 1-2% do. Just no need for it

If you live in Adelaide or Melbourne, it's guaranteed
If you live in Sydney or Brisbane, it only gets that hot every other year and people think the world is ending

some do, but the majority do not
aye luv the souf me

It’s about 17c rn


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Yes, now fix my ac

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i wish
freezing to death rn

Yes it does

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Find a metal sheet and fry something on it

i am not going outside in this heat

>16 rn
>my part of the country gets very little humidity
Feels good being born in a habitable part of this earth

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i would seriously jump out of window to get out of the misery if it happened here