Where do you see your country in 100 years

Where do you see your country in 100 years

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>thinking religion will still be a thing in the US 100 years from now

A special Chinese administrative region

tfw no judeo-hapa gf

>thinking that the world will exist in 100 years from now

English people will be a minority.

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I am literally Hispano-Teuton


Honestly? I see my country breaking into a civil war down the line. Or by that time, the Philippine Government is dissolved due to some disaster caused by political instability.

in reality everyone will be spectrums of blasians with pardo minorities

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partially underwater.

>literally just the current class system but accelerated into neo-medieval feudalism
Would be unironic kino



dead and gone

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We're going to be running out of potatoes and I will outlive all of you.

>Neo-Indonesian Futurism with Suharto characteristics

At least you don't have to deal with temporary workers from Poland

>best case scenario
Russian satellite
>worst case scenario
Turkish colony

Arabian colony
They outcomleted turks in terms of crime and reproducing like rabbits.

At least you don't have to deal with temporary workers from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and fuck knows where else

same as now, car parts factory for germans