Brazilians be like

Brazilians be like
>proceeds to watch El Chavo on a daily basis and worship Seu Madruga

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Seu Madruga was honorary Brazilian though

i'll never understand why is there an entire continent obsessed with the kid from eight

Ive explained it here 10000 times.
The reason why some brazilian posters try to deny It its because they think Brazil as part of Latam is a leftist propaganda
Thats because brazilian lefties hate Brazil and Brazil nationalism but praise nationalism of our neighbours, specially Bolivia, Argentina, some more far away like Cuba etc.
Then brazilian rightists associate latam with communism.

What kind of stupid mongrel logic is this? So if I watch European movies that makes me European?
Deal with it latinxoid, Brazil is not latin american, never was and will never be.
We have absolutely nothing to do with you.

I know, Lula simps leftist latinamerica so much that he proposed to create a common currency with them I think

>El Chavo
>kid from eight



It's because Chaves is not popular anywhere outside of latin america, and since brazilians are obsessed with it, then we are in fact latinx. Pretty sound logic to me.

search up the definition of latinamerica on wikipedia in any language and Brazil is included, even in portuguese
>but wikipedia is not a reliable source
more reliable than people on Any Forums

definitivamente nadie es profeta en su tierra. Don Ramon es lo mas basado que ha salido de mexico

you speak a latinx-derivative
you are in the american continent
you are latinx americanx
simple as


No ones watches chaves anymore

My grandpa does

Lula is a retard and I can't wait to see him lose the election against that n*gger Bolsonaro

Mostly because "latino" is an US term for spanish speaking immigrants in their country, it's an agglutination of different peoples according to their language.
No sane person could ever mistake spoken portuguese and spanish, even if it reads almost the same.

But it is in fact a language evolved from latin, why not.
I think brazil should be closer to it's spanish speaking brothers.

No such thing as brazilian.nationalism

>Second biggest tv channel shill it for decades

