When will we stop pretending she can act?

When will we stop pretending she can act?

Attached: zendaya_1.jpg (1584x1578, 263.41K)

>be labeled a good actress
>only expression she has is pouty bitch face
Wow, great acting

Thing is, she's never not gonna have that weird droopy, angular face, and so no matter how she mugs she's gonna come across as strange and therefore interesting to the zoomers, which, because she's an actress, will be translated in their neurotic brains as "she's a good actress".

She's never going to go away, she's going to win multiple Oscars and live a life of superstardom likely for as long as you'll be alive. So strap in, m'chud.

As soon as we stop pretending she is attractive.

Once the muttland stopped being woke or some massive scandal happen in either the lgqtauwyd community or SJW.

she has the most nu-america face in the world

goddamn she is ugly
why is this poop 10/10 in america?

wtf kinda name is zendaya anyways?
and why dont she have a last name?

That was almost a coherent sentence

>face of Boston Terrier
>hair like sigmund the seas monster
>body of Katherine Hepburn
Plus she can’t act

Last names are racist

No one is pretending she can act. Well, maybe she herself is, but she can't quite pull that off either.

I am not pretending, I just want to fuck her.

Unironically a better MJ than Kirstin Dunst was

I’m sorry to hear you failed elementary school

Attached: FF4340EF-6621-477E-AC04-D6EE134BD78D.jpg (768x719, 224.85K)

>Last names are racist
This, but unironically. Hers is "coal man", according to wikipedia.

No one thinks this so it’s not even worth having an argument over

Doesnt she pretty much plays the same exact character every movie

she is of normal weight. that automatically makes her the 1%.

When you step out of your echo chamber you'll find that yes, some people do genuinely think this

Can’t wait to see what she looks like in 12 years