This guy is the protagonist of the last movie you watched. How does it play out?

This guy is the protagonist of the last movie you watched. How does it play out?

Attached: Kaiba-MDDG.png (746x647, 325.53K)

>March of Eagles Ep14
Kaiba starts and wins a civil war to retain his throne and his dynasty is the German monarchy and lasts to this day

A childrens game of cards against an eldritch horror over the faith of humanity.

It's literally the same, he's Paul Atreides, he'd be less conflicted about the terrible purpose I guess

Kaiba buys Oscorp and makes Norman Osborn commit suicide

he has an identical twin that kills hugh jackman after magic-mogging him

>the batman
Almost exactly the same desu.

He gets fired from the bbfc because his 'tism will only allow him to play children's card games.

>Kingdom of Heaven
Kaiba and Saladin settle affairs' over a children's card game. Kaiba wins so hard that Saladin dies. Kaiba then builds a portal to Muslim heaven just to dab on him one more time.

>the batman
He’ll just stand around, do nothing, wast so much time for the audience, but he’ll look pretty with to the manipulative cinematography

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Fund it.

Sounds kino. What did you watch?

>Mr. Robot
I mean, Kaiba is literally Tyrrell and Elliot is Yugi.

>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Might actually improve the movie, seeing him destroy bruce lee and those hippies using his blue eyes dragon would have been kino.

He forces his crew to solve their disputes playing children’s card games

Attached: 0C625C5D-E747-4FCA-A17C-795384B11F8F.jpg (828x782, 458.94K)

Wouldn't he be Leo's character instead?
not just his crew, the mob and essentially the rest of the city. He'd just end up being himself.
Didn't his dad build the company by being somewhat of a thug

>kaiba single-handedly ends drug and human trafficking worldwide and transitions organized crime into trading card smuggling instead

>Wouldn't he be Leo's character instead?
Nah, Leo was pathetic, the stuntman was the real hero

>dumb and dumberer
i dunno, i guess he blackmails the principal with the embezzlement documents

He’s paul atreides but more based
