Attached: conquistador.png (1151x640, 1.36M)

Is that a brown person?!


>>A chola

brother, I believe she is a brown indio, of the INCAN ancestry. But she relinquishes her ancient genomes, so she can spread her legs to the conquering med bvll. Here, we examine a phenomeno which occured hundreds of years ago en mass in the american continent, where med bvlls impregnated native girls and created a mongrel sprecies.

All peruvians are the same including altoperuvians aka:Bolivians

Greece should’ve got a slice of the Americas too
Would’ve been kino
Maybe some islands

Fucking bolivians are More brown. Just keep calm AND wait you corralito

bro, yeah we are a med bull people, so naturally we always wanted colonies, and we had many. our seed reached even pakistan google the kalush people. we also had colonies in france, italy, spain all the med area. but then the roaches came and made us weak. brother now, our seed continues to be spread with a cultural rennaisance now we can prove we are indeed greek gods.

Another thread of swarthy manlet medoids and their delusions

Most of you look like pic rel.

Attached: images (12).jpg (640x480, 41.81K)

>more brown
>not "browner"
Mentally broken

Me on the bottom right

>Cares about being called brown


i can take banter from europeans.
i can take banter from americans.
i can take banter from australians.
but it will be a cold day in hell when i take banter from literal drug dealing brown wall jumping, taco eating, siesta taking, chupakabra fearing, brown spics. i have my limits.

I didn't even call him brown

>i can take banter from europeans.
>i can take banter from americans.
>i can take banter from australians.
>but it will be a cold day in hell when i take banter from literal drug dealing brown wall jumping, taco eating, siesta taking, chupakabra fearing, brown spics. i have my limits.

Attached: images (13).jpg (700x420, 32.8K)

this is the whitest man in mexico btw. they even made him a statue in the center of Guadalajara the most handsome and tallest Mexican man.

t. Suleiman Kerim Ahmet

t. Rodrygo Espinosa Duterte Von De Leyten

>t. Rodrigo Espinosa Duterte Von De Leyten
But user, that would be based as fuck


yes indeed i have a soft spot for argentineans.

You will never have constantinople back

you will never jump to Texas.

She's hot