Watched this. Very fun. Rec me more fun films that you enjoyed Any Forums

Watched this. Very fun. Rec me more fun films that you enjoyed Any Forums

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picrel is a very fun movie that very few people have watched it

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Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

Thank you for reminding me that Razor Blade Smile exists.
"I bet you think you know all about vampires. Believe me, you know fuck all."

Grabbers was pretty good.

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Wouldn't mind giving this a look, can't find a torrent that's working, fml

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Just found out this is a thing. Definitely looks bad but Bruce is always worth a watch.

The guy who wrote and directed this, Don Cascarelli, also made
The Beastmaster (1982) & Phantasm 1,2,3,4 (1979, '88, '94, '98) which are pretty fun in different ways.

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Ace Ventura 2

Scary Movie (1991)
It's a great deconstruction of the slasher genre while remaining a competent horror movie. Don't read the synopsis, just watch it and keep watching it.

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My Name is Bruce

oh sweet john hawkes

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This is a good one

Grabbing a laundry list of movies to sequel huh?

Yeah, he's great in this. Movie wouldn't be as good without him.

Love Killer Klowns

toxic avenger
free on tubi

i hate phantasm

Essential B-moobie viewing

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Really really fun movie. Good music and insane car scenes. Had the record of most wrecked cars for a long time.

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