Dune spider thing

what was the point?

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>Now the mystery of this spider-human thing has been demystified a bit. Popular VFX channel the Corridor Crew recently sat down with VFX animator Robyn Luckham, one of the many minds behind Dune's animation. Luckham touched upon Harkonnen's terrifying pet and admitted that, yes, it actually is a human that's been mutated somehow. He said that, going into it, the question truly was whether it was a human or a spider, and it was decided that it would be a sort of a experiment wherein a human was turned into this. As a result, it was very important that the Dune creative team specifically nail the awkward movements of this poor creature, since it wasn't something that was born to walk this way.

Reference to Bene Tleilax

dr yueh’s wife

Only read Dune, no sequels, so idk if it's a reference to something, but for me it's: world building. strangeness. terror. more mystique of the bene gesserit, especially how she could control it.

stupid sexy spider ass

baron harkonnen didn't have a human spider hybrid pet in the books.
I am glad I didn't watch this movie now.

The Tleilaxu and Ix are the best parts of Dune's lore, I wish we could see Lynch's version of it.

chill. it's only in the movie for like 10 seconds, hence this thread to ask "why is it even there"

It's just supposed to be a creepy visual to emphasize the fact he's evil

Do you really need to shove this fact up the viewers face?

nothing will ever make you happy until you chill the fuck out

He wasn't some dumb evil guy in the books.

Think about it this way, the only real difference between House Atreides & the Harkonnen is that the latter is more sadistic. Both Houses want to subjugate entire planets for their own economic interests. Both use massive armies to accomplish that goal. Both are defined by hereditary-based Monarchies. Etc.

Having evil imagery like the spider hybrid is absolutely essential to differentiate the Houses with that in mind - especially in an adaptation where you have to cut a lot of lore out for the sake of runtime.

In a film adaptation you need to delineate between the protagonists & antagonists using visuals, otherwise the audience isn't going to understand why they should care if one House succeeds and the other doesn't

Not even 10 seconds

the humanoid hands ruin it

Imagine clapping those human-spider cheeks

He was plenty visually repulsive in the books. What makes the Dune books great is the exposition and lore and the inner thoughts of the characters. None of that can be brought into a 2 hour movie, so it's going to suck by default.
Normies will have no idea what the movie is about.
And Dune readers will miss everything that made Dune good.
It's a lose lose for everyone.
The only way Dune could be done is if it was 10 season TV show like Game of Thrones.
In fact it basically is Game of Thrones in space.

Appealing to the Chinese market

My feelings exactly.