Pirates of the Caribbean Serena

>funny spanish dubs

"This fish-woman is not an animal shes a person and deserves a proper name!"


"Her name will be.....fish-woman"

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I guess she was in the sequels which I never watched

She is beautiful

4 was the weakest of the series, 5 included

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lol she grabbed the good christian guy and disappeared under water never to be seen or mentioned again.
Nobody noticed they were gone or questioned what happened to them after the shitfest of an ending to 4.

>1 positive of the movie to head into any sequels is Barbosa gets his own magical ship leaving Jack to finally have the Pearl to himself
>immediately sink it offscreen by the cursed zombie ship

>didney boba

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very brave

4 was better than 3 and 5 so actually no

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then go back to where ever you came from. if you haven't seen the pirates of the caribbeans series then you don't belong here

Make a note of that mans bravery

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1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3

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What happened to this little Franco-Spaniard Cutie?

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Making kino.

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The franchise is NOTHING without Depp and he was barely in 3 so it fucking sucks. Also Barbossa is the second best character so he makes 4 and 5 better movies overall, 4 especially.

refused to suck

A good Christian girl. God bless her.