Germanbros, what happened exactly?

germanbros, what happened exactly?

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Croatia is East Gothic despite having no Gothic words unlike us being half Gothic speaking

They allow Salafists to preach hateful bigotry in disguise as religion in Mosques with no oversight.

>Armenian-German guy
Armenian bros... how could you?

>Half Armenian user learns he's actually German

He wished he was full Armenian and that took a toll on his mental health

what happened bros

one dude drove over people. No official statements yet, could have been an accident related to a medical emergency

I now understand why he did it. Hope he get released soon.

Reminder that mental health checks could stop this.

>Emergency officials say it is unclear whether the incident, which happened at around 10:30 local time (08:30 GMT), was intentional or an accident.

Berlin being Berlin again.

>One dead.
Germans really are fucking useless.

Part of reaching Enlightenment is when you realise that the South Caucasians (Georgians and Armenians) were behind everything the whole time


time to bomb their cities gain, Harris


well aneurysms and heart attacks are a thing

Someone shot two people in a supermarket

not intentional. If you want to kill people with a car, unfortunately, it's so easy you can get at least 10 dead with no effort.