I’ll buy the Any Forums pass when you bring back THOSE DAMN EMOTES!

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>But Peter, I need minerals for my anti-ballistic missile laser.

Attached: yes Peter but I need minerals.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

Jannies track the bans that a Any Forums pass receives over the course of years, so your bans stack on top of each other

so there's integrated scorekeeping, you say?

Yes. One time I got banned for a month for posting a wingsofredemption thread here and it said something like "ban is extended due to 57 previous bans." I was on a fresh IP of about two months at the time as well

they still work :bane:


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I can't even buy a pass because the fucking coinbase payment processor doesn't work and I can't just pay with card. I've tried a dozen times already
>absolute state of Hiro programming

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I buy a Any Forums pass every time I get permabanned

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why not just ban evade?

ban evading is immoral

I bought one through whatshisface and it was a good experience. *assget or whatever. Took about a day. $5 extra. Any Forums is making me censor the name.

nigger faggot!!!

he's gonna make that a thing isnt he?

>he only has 57 previous bans :peepoConfused:

Are you able to share any more info on this user? definitely interested.


Took about 24 hours. Really good experience with him and also the moderators here with any questions I had about it.

That was over the course of like six months

much appreciated user

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You can't do that with AT&T wifi

turn off the wifi

I doubt it