Purest kino since The Irishman and this board won't watch it because it's japanese but not a cartoon

Purest kino since The Irishman and this board won't watch it because it's japanese but not a cartoon

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You're into Cuckshit

first 5 minutes killed me with cringe
pretentious crap

What the fuck is it even about? At least Parasite had an intriguing title and poster.

I might watch it if it included the Beatles song but I've been informed it does not

hardest filtering since biden

movie of the year 2021


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>needs big titty explosions and a provocative title for user to even consider watching it
typical Any Forums chud

I watched it as soon as someone made a thread saying the torrent was out. I even remember the image I used in the thread because I have a very good memory. I'll find it in the archive to prove it.

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What's the point of being a film nerd on Any Forums? You don't even have a film general...


whatever makes you live another day of your insufferable life

I didn't ask for your faggy comment. Just tell me what the movie's about.

I just started downloading this and there's some naked lady in the first minute.

Look at the date. That's when I watched it like I said I would because I don't really lie.

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It's just a good story about some sad stuff and life being worth living anyway.

So generic I've already seen it.

It's pretty good. Not shot super well but has great locations. I didn't like the main guy's performance.
Haruki Murakami has written the same book about 12 times and it def works much better as a book where his prose and bizarre tangents can carry harder.

That's okay, it wasn't made for you.

This. It was made for intelligent people. Barack Obama put it on his best movies of 2021 list.

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Can japan make anything without cucking? Like their entire lives and culture is about being cucked, whether its by nations, demons and spirits, their own family and friends. Like goddamn nigga must be tough being a literal nation of cucks but you can be better than that.


better than what amerishart lives revolve around (guess)

>Barack Obama put it on his best movies of 2021 list.
Speaking of, it's definitely not made for niggers.

Obama's as far from a nigga as a black brother can make it
>passed medicare for all

The only thing Any Forums took from this is the cucking, they only see cucking and the amount of black people in films, this is the state of Any Forums

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it's over Any Forums ended in 2015