Final verdict on sex?

final verdict on sex?

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good if you have quick access to it. like if all you have to do is to drive 10 minutes then sex good
otherwise jerking off is a better option

A silly thing if you think about it, people rubbing on each other

It looks disgusting so I will not try it

Well I love my GF so the sex feels extra great and I have a big swedish cock so 10/10

I think it's disgusting
The idea that people are having sex disgusts me
I nearly had sex and thinking about that moment fills me with dread
Oh God I hate it so much, I hate that sex exists and I hate that sexuality exists
Filthy impure bodies, disgusting

Overrated but still feels good.

feels exactly the same as jacking off, except a little more fun because it's "real", sex is only exciting the first few times "wow i am not virgin anymore". gets mundane very quickly.
any woman stops being mysterious and intriguing after you have seen her naked once.
after i had sex i looked back at my whole life and felt like crying.
all those years wasted being upset because of "no gf" or "no sex" or whatever.
not worth even thinking about, for real for real on G.
learn to live for yourself, find things that make you happy instead of focusing that you have no female attention. not worth it.

feels good man, the feeling afterwards and glow up is better than the act itself

>he thinks he has a choice

It's like food. Bad food is shit but still gets the job done while good food can last in your memory for a long time. It's overrated if you have it in abundance and driving you insane if you are in a state of deprivation.

> any woman stops being mysterious and intriguing after you have seen her naked once
then she wasn't intriguing or mysterious in the first place you retard

It's actually amazing if you can keep fucking new girls. Otherwise having a girlfriend gets boring super fast.

Not true, she felt like a jewel among women. and the once you no longer need imagination it loses luster.
1. hot porn star with many nudes? boring
2. hot actress with bikini pics? AWOOGA WOOGA WOOOOO
there is a reason belle delphine was able to maintain attention untill she actually showed herself nude. then she became boring, just like the rest and now she's not nearly as relevant.

by all accounts, one night stands leave you feeling hollow

It's no wonder you think sex is overrated, it's because you're circumcised, you've never truely had sex.

why are Any Forumscels so obsessed with sex? just go to Any Forums if you want to whine about it all day.

Idk I've only ever do it with prostitutes so it doesn't count as having sex

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orgasm jacking off = orgasm having sex
you don't magically cum harder when fucking girls, real life is not hentai
it doesn't matter if my orgasm is slightly weaker because i am circumcised.

idk I've only seen sex acts on the internet
it might as well all be fake and sex doesn't exist for all I know

It's good only when you are both 12 years old

Bros if you're into rear entrance games avoid eating food with poppy seeds, they hurt af when they come out

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Sex is much more than just the orgasm, a 10 minute sex session is supposed to feel good during those 10 minutes, and not just during the 5 second orgasm at the very end. In yours and my case, those 10 minutes of pleasure during sex is greatly reduced.

I agree I'm not circumcised

Interesting post.

I don't want it and will never have it. I don't want to fall in love with a slut, and a woman who accepts men's dicks into her body is a slut. Including my dick.

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