Why hasn't Hollywood ever adapted Indian/Hindu Mythology?

Should Zack Snyder adapt the epic Mahabharata?

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The man knows what his audience wants.
He could make billions as a bollywood director

Indians get really pissed off if you try, because they think their blue, elephant headed multi-armed gods are real.
Look what happened after the Xena episode "The Way"

I saw some movie about hindu gods but it was basically a comedy and really wasn't about them it was about arranged marriages in india.

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What's your ancient pajeet power level?

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I remember being sat on my own in a shuttle boarding part of the airport in Mumbai before going to Thailand. I was sat in the same spot for about 7 hours and on the TV near me was animated religion shit. Was bananas.

Hollywood is too soulless to adapt anything like the Mahabharata

I wonder if this kino could be made

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The worst thing about the Xena incident was that they showed her meeting gods from all different mythologies and they all were assholes. The Hindu gods however, were shown in an incredibly positive light but Hindus still chimped out and they were forced to apologize. And that was the 90s.

Meanwhile, chad Japan makes the Hindu gods the asshole villains in todays climate.

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Well, it would have a good chance of offending almost all major religions simultaneously.
What edition is that btw?

They unironically should. It's pretty cool.

Good Morning, Sirs

>Guy larping as future-Buddha is a con-artist
>God of Evil is a Christian priest
>No Mudslimes because they were considered implicitly too violent
>Everyone else is a decadent psychic mortal larping as a Hindu God.

>poos invented both 'my character could beat up your character' autistic DBZ number crunching and modern mathematics
What the fuck

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They've been autistic for longer than almost anyone.


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First Book Club Edition

Good Morning.

I think adapting the story where the big bad king sees the wife of the hero and he steals her away, and the hero begs Hanuman to go get her, and Hanuman trying to be diplomatic finds some loophole to get the evil King's kingdom to the hero, by becoming giant, literally picking up the entire city in his hands, and carrying it across the land and seas. That story would be kino.

Thanks. I have a softcover edition, I've been wanting a good HC version.

They can't force niggers in it

Legit. I looked it up when originally asking my question above and I think I want an HC too now.

Christ that goes for almost a thousand bucks, I'll have to hope someone like Centipede Press does a printing of it. They did some great Fritz Lieber stuff fairly recently in HC.

So, kino then?

The only fault I find in Lord of Light is that it just want it to have been longer.

But is there any character that can beat Karna? And I’m not just talking about charioteer lance wielding son of the Sun God Karna. I’m not just talking about Karna capable of using all 15 Shastra’s, including Daarma Paasha, Naga Paasha, and Kaala Paasha. Hell, I’m not even talking about Karna after inheriting Vijiya’s Bow (Guaranteeing victory for the holder no matter what circumstance) from Lord Parashurama after training for years to become the greatest warrior and obtaining Brahmanda Astra (Which alone has the power to destroy our entire solar system). I’m talking about Suryalok abiding Karna barring all curses capable of using all Upasamhaara Astras including but not limited to Satyavanta, Satyakeerti, Dhristha, Rabhasa, Pratihaaratara, Paraanmuka, Avaanmukha, Dashaaksha, Shatavaktra, Dashasheersha, Shatodara, Padmanaabha, Mahaanaabha, Jyotisha, Vinidra, Daitya, Pramadhana, Suchibaahu, Mahaabaahu, Saarchirmaali, Vrittiman, Ruchira, Pitrya, Ssaumansa, and also thus Vidhoota, Makara, Karaveerakara, Dhana, Dhaanya, Kaamaroopa, Kaamaruchira, Moha, Aavarana, and thus Jrimbhaka, Sarvanaabha, Varana, wielding the Vasavi Shakti (Capable of killing even Gods with one stab), firing off every single Astra (Even Naga-Astra which delivers deadly poison upon impact), and receiving blessings from Bhumi, Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Surya, and Indra. I’m talking about Messiah Karna that has Mohini Astra as well which is capable of negating all magic and Maheshwarasta which can destroy celestial beings; wielding multipurpose astras, which naturally includes Andhatamisr, Mahatarany, Chakshushmat, Shaktinash, Vishvavasumah, Antak, Mriitunjay, Sarvasmritinashan and Sarvasmitidharan, Bhay, Ahbayankaraaindr, Maharog, Namatraym, Ayurnash, Kalasamkarchan, Mahasur, Muladurg, Muk, Mahavagvidiny, Vedataskar, Hiranyaksh, Mahavarah, Hiranyakaship, Urganrisimh, Balindr,, Vasudev, Sankarshan, Pradyumn, Kalyastra and Kalkyastra, Mahamoh and Shambhav Astras.

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Goku maybe

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How'd they come up with these numbers?