Dutchpipo still seethe we killed their kind during our war of independence

Dutchpipo still seethe we killed their kind during our war of independence

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did you at least gr*pe their women like Japanese did?



You've violated heckin human rights and now will face coloni-- i mean peacekeeping again!

It's literally what they call their invasion lol, "Police Action"

nederlanders dood, wat nou

germanpipo be the same

>muh expulsions
>muh ethnic cleansing

>ummm it doesn't matter that we wanted to do much worse things to Poles, you're still supposed to apologize because my grandmother had to leave the house her father stole from Poles earlier

>shit tier before occupation
>shit tier during occupation
>sit tier after occupation
Take some responsibility

Cope, you have abo blood from the Moluccan lol

Indonesia would have lost that war if we didn't pressure the Dutch into leaving Indonesia for faggy moralistic reasons.

Burn and slaughtered people and smash rebelds with hammers, like one properlly colonial power, nigga, aka Iberians...

You are a joke, orange pypo

Based indogs

Ask to Spain how they slaughtered José Rizal and ask Portugal what they did to indog troops in Timor Leste

Excuses zijn ongepast, OP

Nehru might have intervened after all he was close to suharto

Kek, your country literally tikkie'd us until 2001 by forcing us pay your colonial government's debt

Hasn't this fag an Indonesian mother?

>Viets resist and defeat colonials
>got respect
>Indos resist and defeat colonials
>no respect
I mean the way op frame it is terrible but the double standard are there

Attached: sad pepe .png (1092x1037, 26.91K)

Isn’t Geert part Indonesian himself?

should've kept your colonial language at least

People rarely praised Vietnam for defeating France, it's them defeating American that give them respect

based holland

>defeated colonials
>east Timor still be nation, even genociding a lot of people not have this anexed