You remember when Obama was on that stage and was drinking water?

>You remember when Obama was on that stage and was drinking water?
>Yeah yeah have you heard it? It goes like this
>imitates Obama for 5 minutes and shows the clip of obama sipping water
>that reminds me, lets talk about UFC and russians for 2 hours, because thats super entertaining
Every single episode is like this, Obama/water and UFC.

Attached: JoeRogan-1.jpg (1600x900, 58.11K)

I only bother logging into Spotify for the gillis/ari/normand episodes

>named Joe Rogaine
>is bald

Attached: Confused Apu.png (612x491, 105.87K)

Joe Rogan barely passed middle school and Joe Rogan Bros barely passed high school. It's mutal masturbation for dum-dums who don't understand the scientific method. Circle jerk of logical fallacies to ego stoke the impotent who are a car crash away from Go Fund Me'ing their own funeral.

rat kikes hate this guy because he exposed the fake-virus, and showed the world big-jew-pharma's vaccine is killing people.

They just hate that there’s someone vaguely right leaning that isn’t a plant like Ben Shapiro

wait til he exposes the holocaust for the con it is. then we behead you faggot kikes.

>only briefly talks about "the slap" with some dumb meathead.
Why didn't he bring it up with Elon Musk or Alex Jones?


shapio gets the same bullet as the big-bank-jew.

Hold your breath until the big die off, user.Do the world a favor.

I remember that time Trump got two scoops of ice cream
Still don't understand how he wasn't impeached over that, that's our racist government of white men for you

Then don't listen, retard?
Are you making this just to cry like a faggot? Get a hobby, man. The internet isn't your therapist where you just go and vent your crippling depression.
He may be a faggot, but you're the sad crybaby with a perpetual dick up your ass.

he brought it up the next day kike with someone who had a clue. go dilate you tranny kike

You'll do nothing, matter to nobody and eventually die bitter and alone. Don't threaten me with your impotent little dick, your chuckle fuck.

only 600,000 lice-infested jews died in those camps. American ingenuity will insure that when there REALLY ARE death camps, we kill you all within a month.

It's cute you learned 2 slurs and have to pepper them into every sentence to be significant.

Your obsession with impotency and dicks says a lot about your insecurities.
Best of luck working on those. Enjoy the projecting.

The inbetween dimension men are messing with your mind, workout your brain at the library, so you can resist the void

When you type such things, do you think about how they apply to yourself?

Obama sipping water?

Wtf are you talking about

your dad, his brothers, and your brothers, have been coming in your jew sphincter your whole life, and you wonder why you'll never amount to anything?

You sit alone on the internet. Who is "We"? Not friends. Not family. Not anybody. You have nothing and it shows.

>t. midwit larping as an intellectual

I call a little bitch like I sees them. Prove me wrong by not being so pathetic. I'll wait.

I don't care for the UFC bits but there is no fucking way you aren't into the Obama/water analysis.

Paying attention in middle school makes you a LIBERAL ELITE intellectual to you absolute retards.

I'm just one of the guys who own 400 million guns and 15 Trillion bullets.
Coming for you vermin.

seems like the kike-thread is dying a quick death.

I actually like joe rogan and listen to every episode, but what I said is factual. every episode has these two segments, and the fight talk lasts way too long