Why is Jared Leto ever hired for anything? Nobody likes Jared Leto...

Why is Jared Leto ever hired for anything? Nobody likes Jared Leto, people are either neutral or wont watch things that have him. He's a terrible actor, terrible to be on set with, and supposedly a pretty terrible person in general as well.

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people irl don’t care about your Twitter drama

he won an academy award so hollywood is always gonna cast him regardless, that's how it works kiddo

Because he has ties with intelligence agencies.

he probably fucks for roles

I don't use twitter, i'm just tired of seeing this talentless hack in everything. Brought down br2049 so fucking much. I'm an actual autist and can probably act better than he can

If you dislike Leto you're reddit. He's based as fuck. His Joker was awful though

Name one role he was good in. Only one I can think of is lord of war and that was ages ago, and pretty much anyone else could have pulled it off

He was decent as Paul Allen

Why are they making him go through this joke career. He seems to work so hard, is he being punished?

> watching a literal autist stammering awkwardly into his non-existing beard.
Nothing personal but that would be a hard pass from me. But I agree that the writing of his role in BR was atrocious and Matrix3-tier non-sense.

Still #madatmorb

>and pretty much anyone else could have pulled it off
That's the vast majority of roles, dumbass. It's like people that believe ONLY Tom Holland would've made money as Spider-Man when he's the worst Spider-Man. He's just the one we ended up with.

>watching a literal autist stammering awkwardly into his non-existing beard.
So jared leto in br2049?

He was good in BR2049

He forever deserves to be casted for being in American Psycho

I don't like him but some people do, and if the early returns on Morbius are any indication he's a decent draw.

he's a pretentious untalented fuck,his ego alone requires a whole other planet

Spider-Man is a massive brand. Actors are brands too.

Why did he kill that replicant after whining about how he can't keep up with the demand for replicants? Did I get wooshed here?

i like him gtfo you're just mad he fucked your girlf

Because this song is fucking link

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he's handsome, tall, looks young, can act...what more do you need

i dont mind him