Name a single kids show thats more kino

Name a single kids show thats more kino

Attached: dat recess.gif (320x286, 43.35K)

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i can't

First few seasons of Hey Arnold

I like gravity falls. Idc if its reddit or some shit


It only felt cooler than other cartoons because of manufactured scarcity being a strictly saturday morning cartoon
real answer

What's one of your favorite Recess eps?

The Box always sticks out to me as one of the most unique episodes of a cartoon I had ever seen as a kid.

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For me its the Mon sticker episode

Attached: recess monstickers.jpg (259x194, 10.01K)

The Weekenders

dexter's lab is probably the best of that era. I would also say Samurai Jack but that's digital

It was on every day after school for me. Mist have seen every episode like 20 times

The true kino incoming

Attached: hey arnold.jpg (670x377, 70.44K)

that show was so fucking bad. it was like "here kids, this is what teenagers do! don't you want to be COOL?"

The only one that can come close to this was hey arnold. Both charming cartoons that i just cannot find anything wrong with.

And as a kid that was badass

Shows about kids in school. The place all kids want to get away from.

This might be the dumbest post in the history of Any Forums.

King bob makes the kids his slaves and he wants gretchen to be extra wet when building a pyramid

as a kid it was very transparent
I'll bet you liked braceface too you wb retard

I wanted to fuck pepper ann though

I liked the society of kids at the playground so much that I tried to emulate it during junior high - tried running a shadow economy at school by selling my parents bottles of soda for a few bucks cheaper than at the local store. I was pretty retarded for a 13 year old.


Kingbob more liek king BONER

Pure hubris of man kino

Good recess was like good Simpsons, it had some great episodes

Many episodes come to mind, I like the one where some suit comes in and abolishes recess, but at the end he comes up with an idea he calls R.E.C.E.S.S.

Dont watch it no Disney+

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What stereotypes were there in Recess? The kindergartners? They were just savages, I wouldn't say they made any given racial group out to be savages

They show this shit before every episode with the kindergartners because muh africa or something

Being dominated by Spinelli

>Darkwing Duck
>Goof Troop
>Chip n Dale
>Gummi Bears
Watched other stuff as well of course but I just realized I was thoroughly Disney'd as a child.

is it because vince plays basketball? or is it Randall's problematic portrayal of the sneaky jew

Name a better show

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Absolute state of disney

Name a better intro song though

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unparalleled sound design for a cartoon IMO, it's like fucking jazz

What the fuck

Its called current year user

>muh slapstick comedy made by samefag pedo
i like it but its not that good where as recess and hey arnold was solid rthrought its run, eene got shittier due to some unforseen reasons like that dude with pi polar getting shot by cops

The film was fucking kino

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You can't go back.

>tfw no Roxanne gf

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Lloyd in Space for me

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