>“If we can’t say groom your kids, we’re not going to teach,” said one educator.

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Bye Felicia

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goes to show how fucked up their priorities are.

Honestly Bush should've created that no same sex marriage amendment in the 2000s

Good. Now delete this thread.
>Any Forums and movies

It's not the "don't say gay" bill it's the "teachers aren't parents" bill

>Any Forums and movies
Is television and film you fucking newfag, go back.

looks like it worked

Teachers are scum

Why were these faggots allowed around children in the first place?

Who the fuck cares, Any Forums has like 2 jannies.

dont call it "dont say gay"
thats satanist propaganda

Wait till they make a biased documentary about this and the brave gay freedom fighters and then it will be ok to post

Why does this society tolerate their kids being taken by state workers for 8 hours every day until adulthood?

My teachers were always dicks in a funny way usually if you ever asked about their personal life. This was back in 2010. I really thought it over and never even knew any of my teachers first names.

Republicans hate teachers because they love God and ignorance

NBC is a news network which is commonly watched on a Television. Dilate

because the great satan is evil

Cry harder, shlomo.

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bye ms. frizzle wannabe

Isn’t the bill basically “don’t talk about sexuality to kids from 3rd-4th grade and below”? I don’t see the issue. It is weird that they’d want to talk about sex to kids that age.

people act like there's a shortage of teachers to replace the ones who quit. good riddance.

What exactly is this going to prove? Why would an educator specifically feel like they have a major stake in this bill where a walkout is appropriate? Is it really that hard to avoid talking about gay things to children? Just sounds like a bunch of dumbasses fucking up their own lives to make a point that no one is listening to.

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Because gay people exists?

>television and film
Its Will Smith