Why didn't they stick with the original Predator design?

Why didn't they stick with the original Predator design?
It looks much better

Attached: Original Predator Design.jpg (640x640, 101.75K)

looks shit

jcvd said he almost broke his leg trying to move in that suit with stilts

Looks like a shitty rejected costume design from the guyver movies.

Predators is underrated.
It's a fun movie and a logical progression from the first one

based unpopular yet patrician opinion

Having eyes on the sides of your head is a prey characteristic.

looks like an ant

It was better than The Predator I'll give it that

We could have had JCVD vs Arnold once Predator ditched the exosuit but nooooo

Looks like a xenomorph rip off. Should’ve stuck with JCVD in a lobster suit

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I still like the Idea of Predator 2, even if the execution was rubbish.

the showdown at the end was too much of a rehash of the first film. I enjoyed the rest.

The arms, legs, and neck look good. The sentai head and body armor torso do not.

The Adrian Brody movie? Yeah that was a great movie.

>Its 5 o clock, bitch raping time
>Autism is the next level of human evolution

That last predator movie was dogshit.

God no.

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>Should’ve stuck with JCVD in a lobster suit

It's the same design. The bright red is how they achieve the light deflection camo look.

cool shrimp
but seriously I like it it's a decent design

Attached: predator-original-design-van-damme-1.jpg (511x384, 55.85K)

Attached: pred.jpg (900x1200, 235.27K)

Yeah Predators is sick

it's shit

fucking rekt

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